Mit diesen Kabeln für den Nucleus-M erhalten Sie Run/Stopp-Funktionen in Kamerasystemen, die dies unterstützen. Stecken Sie einfach das 7-polige Ende des Kabels in einen der Motoren und das andere Ende in den R/S-Anschluss der Kamera.
Beachten Sie, dass dieses Kabel speziell für den Nucleus-M entwickelt wurde, so dass die R/S-Funktion nur mit der Nucleus-M eigenen Handeinheit und den Handgriffen funktioniert.
It works great on my C500. It would be nice if the TRS plug side was straight and not an elbow but not a huge factor.
Works well just plug and play
Works flawlessly with the Ursa Mini Pro G2
Does the job. What else? Perfect if the end is right angled, but still served its purpose. Amazing support from tilta as always.
I’ve bought this cable to use with my DSMC1 Red Epic MX to use in control port (The cable is RED DSMC2).
I have connected the cable to the motor, also the motor is powered via D-Tap. No matter what setting i choose in camera -the cable doesn’t work.
My camera settings are:
Redlink command protocol – tried enabled and disabled
GPIO – have tried Sync Out and Record out
What am I doing wrong? AC’s told me this cable is the better one to use with DSMC1 cams. Is the cable faulty? I’ve tried to reboot the handles etc. – nothing works